Suspicious activity is a term used in many different situations. Whether it be an individual or company that is being investigated for any reason, it is vital that a solid SIP analysis is completed. The activity must all be outlined and presented clearly to ensure if any wrong doing took place and that those involved are properly reprimanded or dealt with accordingly.
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For example, let’s say there is an innocent spouse who suspects their spouse of being unfaithful. They alert the authorities as they begin to suspect that their marriage might not be what it originally used to be. As a result, the investigation begins and one might expect things to go smoothly and quite honestly. One might hope for the best but, unfortunately, things do not quite go to plan. The investigation reveals that the “perpetrator” of the cheating had a website which displayed images of naked adults. Naturally, this raises a red flag for those involved as to the possibility that their spouse might be committing an act of adultery even though they may be loving and faithful.
If one was not a victim of such an act, one might not feel so victimized. However, those who have been victimized can certainly feel and understand what it means to be violated in this way. If this scenario were to play out in real life, one might find themselves drawn into a long drawn out legal battle, which can cost them a tremendous amount of money and resources. In the internet world, information and facts are often more difficult to prove and defend. This adds a level of difficulty for those who need to investigate suspicious activity on the internet.
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However, let’s assume that our fictional spouse is the victim in this scenario. In order to prove that he/she did not commit any crimes, all reasonable means should be exhausted. The investigator is required to gather all the evidence and information he/she possibly can to present to the prosecuting authorities. There are a number of ways to go about this, some more effective than others. Let’s take a look at a few:
– Try asking your spouse to perform an investigation on his/her own behalf. If your spouse is cooperative, you could both go online to various search engines and try to find out information regarding a specific event. For instance, if you know that your spouse is angry with you because you gave him a work project to do, then you could ask your spouse to perform an internet search relating to that specific event. You might be able to uncover details such as the exact title of the project, the company it was assigned to, and a detailed description of the work to be done. However, your spouse might be reluctant to give you the information – in which case he/she would be considered a suspect in your investigation. In which case, it might be best for you to just hire a private investigator to conduct an independent investigation.
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– Another good method for investigating a Suspicious Activity Report is to obtain copies of any and all correspondences between you and your spouse. If you have any contact numbers or addresses listed in your possession, as well as copies of text messages or voice mails, then you could try calling or writing these things down. This way, if there is anything mentioned in a Suspicious Activity Report that you do not remember to have said, then you could simply use the cell phone or your home address to help jog your memory.
– If neither of these methods help you with your Suspicious Activity Report, then you could try looking through your husband/wife’s computer hard drive for any suspicious activity. A Suspicious Activity Report is filed from the police department to the local courthouse and then to the court house. Because computers store data, it is easy to retrieve anything that has been erased. It is also possible to recover deleted files from a computer using a recovery software program.
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However, this information is only available to law enforcement officials. It would be illegal to release this information to the general public. In addition, because it is so sensitive, you could be sued if you distributed or showed this information to a third party. If you feel you are being harassed by someone that you believe may have obtained this information illegally, or if you think you might have legal problems with someone in your life, then it is best to consult a criminal defense attorney before you do anything at all.
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