How does an Internal Suspect Activity Report Template work? It works by grouping the different types of cases that fall under the Internal Suspicious Activity category and then putting them in chronological order. This way, you can identify the earliest reports and trace them back to when they were created.
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Each series will have its name and a set of reporting parameters, but the format for each report will be similar. The series will begin with the earliest reports and end with the latest ones.
Each series will also include a line for personal information about the persons who have reported the event(s) as well as other reporting parameters. These may include such things as name, contact number, and a description of the event(s). However, the person’s home address is not a requirement to use these reports.
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To avoid confusion and possible abuse, internal suspicious activity reports should never include information about the names of anyone present at the time the incident(s) occurred. While this information may help in determining the more recent events, it should never be included with the earlier ones.
This is a very important part of any person’s internal suspicious activity report template because it determines whether or not any specific person is a target. If the person who filed the report has their home address included, the person filing the report may be giving out the information of a target, which could then be used against them later.
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You will see Internal Suspect Activity Reports that lists the names of all the people who had contact with the subject or witnesses of the reported event(s). This will be used as a basis for subsequent reporting. For example, if you filed a report with an Internal Suspect Activity Report Template that included the names of all the people you had contact with, you would see it listed again with that same person’s contact information.
Once you have the Internal Suspect Activity Template, you will then need to assemble all the reports that are covered under that template into one file. Some of the reports that you would want to include are the initial reports from people who reported the event(s), and the reports that list the victims of the incident(s).
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