A brand statement template can be an asset in helping you design an effective, memorable marketing campaign. Often, companies use templates as a guide to create an identity for their brand or as a springboard for ideas to create a new one. If your company wants a new identity and does not know where to start, a template can provide a great starting point.
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A good brand statement template is created to give your brand concisely and clearly. By providing clear keywords and defining character types, your brand statement will become both clear and compelling. A good brand statement template will capture the reader’s eye in the first sentence and leave a lasting memory.
Many companies struggle with the concept of consistency in their branding. While consistency across a range of products and services may seem like a good idea, it can cause confusion between unrelated products and services that share some common components. When creating a brand statement template, consider the components that make up your brand and be consistent throughout your marketing.
Personal Mission Statement Worksheet from brand statement template , source:chrisonomicon.com
There are many different types of statements. The most common style is a single-word statement. Other styles are two words, three words, or more word combinations. Your brand statement should focus on your unique brand essence. In order to create a great template, consider how each type of statement styles your brand and how they relate to your business.
A single-word statement style, such as “Your Company is Unique”, is most appropriate if you are new to your brand or have a simple brand concept. Using this style shows clarity about your company’s core values. “Your Company is Unique” works well when describing your product or service line. This style also works well if you are describing an aspect of your business that sets it apart from the rest. An example would be a printing company that offers premium ink for printer users with a high-quality product.
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Another single-word statement style is “Your Brand is Part of Our Business”. This approach makes an effort to clearly differentiate your business from all others. It relies heavily on the strong value that your company provides. The best example of a brand statement using this format is a printing company. They are proud of the large amount of technology they use in their printing process and take pride in the fact that they work with some of the industry’s best print providers. A brand statement based on “Your Brand is Part of Our Business” works well for small companies or for businesses that specialize in a specific niche market.
Another single-word statement style is “Your Brand is Part of Our Team”. A team is one or several people whose responsibility is directed toward a specific goal. An example of a brand statement that uses this format would be “The printing company below is our team”. This creates the clear impression that you have a good working relationship with your printing company. The other benefit of using this style of brand statement is that it is very short. This short statement ensures that your logo, colors, and all other components are focused on your brand name.
Missionary List Templates from brand statement template , source:topsimages.com
The last single word style of brand statement is “Your Brand is Part of Our Family”. This is similar to the previous statement style, except it stresses the importance of your brand to the family. The family is your extended family such as your extended family members, and sometimes even your extended friends. Using this style of brand statement is often used when creating a website or social media page.
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