Statement Of Interest Template

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A statement of interest for an employment opportunity is simply a one-page, typically handwritten letter submitted to an employment agency that describes why you are interested in their organization and what you can bring to the organization. In some cases called a “request for information,” it is also a very effective way to get hired at an organization that isn’t actively seeking candidates for their open positions. As such, thousands of people submit these types of letters every year. However, because they are usually overlooked and treated as spam, many people fail to take advantage of this powerful tool. Here are five ways you should use a statement of interest to your advantage when applying for jobs:

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Write a professionally written, professional looking letter. An interest example will only help your cause if you present it in the proper manner. Don’t send it as a handwritten word document – have someone else write it for you. Make sure it is well organized and flows easily. Write your sample statement of interest in standard, professional-looking font (Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman) and in a larger font than you normally use (a 24-point font is a good choice).

Practice speaking your statements of interest in front of a friend or family member. If you’ve already written the letter and you know it well, practice speaking it to a third party – someone who isn’t a current employee, doesn’t know you well, and whose reaction you’d like to see. Keep in mind that the letter won’t be nearly as effective if no one reads it, so this is particularly important!

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State the facts. An interest sample usually comes with a few core facts about the company, and those include the Company’s Name, Address, Phone Number, Industry, and Company Overview. In your sample statement of interest, make sure you follow up with some details about your Company’s History, Growth, and mission. This information can come from the company’s website or from testimonials from clients and/or former employees. Use the appropriate format: only include important information, or summarize it briefly for readers.

Tell them why they should choose you for an interview. A good statement of interest example should tell your audience (a potential hiring manager or business owner) why they should hire you over someone else with similar qualifications. Use language that is easy to understand and a conversational tone. “You’ll be able to contribute a lot to the growth of our business” is much more compelling than “You’re an excellent person with excellent skills.”

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You need to send out a request for additional information and one final document. Your statement of interest sample letter should end with a formal request for any further information or a request for any proof of the information that you provided in your letter. Some online resources will automatically send you a request for these items; others may require you to submit separate letters, phone calls, or email messages. Follow up with this final request at least five working days before your first day on the job.

You can use the free convertershow details templates to help you create your own statement of interest, but be aware that different versions of these templates are suitable for different purposes. It is best to use one that closely reflects your business, your industry, your customers, and your goals. Take time to select your template wisely, and work with the resource or company that will give you the best possible template for your needs. Your letter must communicate your specific needs to the reader and it must have specific relevance to your position. If you use a generic example, the reader may not understand what is important to you. Use your own words and specific examples to give your reasons for applying for the position.

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You can get a free sample statement of interest from an internet resource or company. If you would like to customize your template, there are many places on the web where you can find ready-made examples or templates that you can modify to meet your requirements. If you have five hours ago, the Convertershare sample letter template will help you to write a great job interview question and answer letter that will impress any potential employer. If you have 9 mins of estimated reading time, you can get the template from the resource below and customize it to meet your specific needs. Good luck!

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