A professional nursing goals statement is an integral part of a nurse’s career development plan. The statement identifies a clear path for all professional actions – from the selection of specialized nurses to the delivery of nursing services to the improvement of patient care. A professional nursing goals statement conveys the vision of the nursing profession to the next level of nursing, beyond the entry level. The goal statement exemplifies the strategic thinking needed for professional growth and development. It gives the professional a framework within which to work and clarify strategies for professional growth and development.
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How does a professional nursing goals statement example help the nursing professional? Professional nursing goals statement examples can be a valuable guide to achieve personal goals. They can be used to: – Describe the progression of your career – Motivate you to pursue continuing education – Identify and set achievable personal and professional goals – Demonstrate your commitment to your chosen career – Provide you with a framework to work within The example can be used as a tool to encourage the identification and commitment to your chosen career. Your goal statements will serve as your road map to reach your desired destination. They are a vehicle through which you can direct yourself to your destination.
Your professional goals statement example serves to motivate you to work towards your desired career objective. They provide you with a clear way to frame your personal and professional goals and develop a detailed plan to achieve them. Professional nursing objectives statement examples provide you with a clear focus and direction. An example or description of the action steps to be taken in pursuit of your objective assists you in taking an ordered and logical step by step approach to your objective.
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As per the American Health Care Professional Association, “A statement is considered to be a statement of the profession if it reflects the quality of the services the nurse provides. It should be concise, precise, and express the key specialties and areas of nursing practice.” Therefore, a Professional Nursing Goals Statement Example provides you with the clarity necessary to frame your nursing career objective. There are many examples of Professional Nursing Goals Statement Examples in print, on websites, in guide books, and in many other sources. All you need to do is to conduct some research on the internet and find one that best suits your needs.
Some examples of Professional Nursing Goals Statement Examples include: Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Licensed Vocation Nurse, Director of Clinical Quality Improvement, Nursing Coach, Social Work, Research Nurse. These examples make it easy for you to identify your own personal statement. For instance, in the case of being a Registered Nurse, you can say that you have experience in providing pain relief, support for patients with disabilities and recovering from surgery. In the case of becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse, you can state that your goal is to provide high-quality patient care in a setting that promotes continuity in between patient visits. In the case of being a Licensed Vocation Nurse, you can state that your career objective is to provide innovative health care with an overall focus on making the patient’s experience a positive one.
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What makes Professional Nursing Goals Statement examples so useful is their brevity. You can quickly skim through many of the examples to get an idea of what your statement should look like and how you should frame your career goals in terms of the health care profession. Furthermore, many of the Professional Nursing Goals Statement examples will be briefer than if you were to conduct your own research paper career exploration. This is due to the fact that those who are creating the examples do not have to deal with the minutiae of researching every aspect of a health care career, as it is done by researchers. They are merely creating a simple glossary, or an overview, to assist you with articulating your career goals.
Clearly, Professional Nursing Goals Statement examples are very helpful in creating a clear outline for your career objectives. However, you do not have to utilize one of the many examples in your research paper to help you with this task. In fact, you might find that creating your own set of objectives will give you greater clarity as to exactly what it is you want to accomplish within a healthcare environment. This clarity is certainly worth the extra time it takes to create your own objectives, as they will help guide you to the career path that is most beneficial to you.
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If you are unable to come up with your own personal set of objectives, then you might consider using one of the many Professional Nursing Goals Statement examples. Remember to take all factors into consideration, including your personal, professional and family life roles. In the end, the process of developing your objective statement will be one that gives you the clarity needed to pursue a career in the nursing field.
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