Examples Of Church Mission Statements

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What are some good examples of a church mission statement? If you’re looking to inspire and teach your ward members, this can be one great introduction. Everyone needs a solid start, so you need to find some solid examples of mission statements that can give you this starting point. You don’t have to use all three (or all four) paragraph forms.

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But there’s a common pattern that I tend to follow with my ward leaders. I’ll give them a general idea of where the ward is in relation to their missions in the larger context of the ward. Then I’ll provide a short paragraph on what I mean by Vision and Life. I’ll explain that the work of the ward isn’t simply what they do on Sunday, but extends far beyond that. It includes things like:

Vision – the reasons for going to church. Christian – what christ-centered principles are taught at church. Life – what life-oriented priorities are established. These are the broadest possible categories and can be used to spark your own mission statement and get the wheels in motion toward creating your own vision and life mission statement.

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When I’m working with church leaders, I will often provide an example of a mission statement they can use. This will help them understand exactly what it means. However, when you’re presenting a vision or life mission statement, make sure you also provide an example or two in your introduction. Often, I’ll give four or five statements. Then I’ll give the ward members an “action item” to keep them focused on what they should be doing to move their life forward.

An effective mission statement will always start with a strong statement that identifies its purpose. This must immediately begin to paint a picture for the reader in some way. It’s best to have a specific event that was a catalyst to the creation of the vision statement. For example, let’s say that the vision statement “I Am A Beautiful Church” was born out of a trip to the Nativity. This event created the need for a more in-depth statement about our identity as a people.

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For an example of an effective vision, I’d like to share about a young woman who became a minister after serving faithfully in the Young Women’s ministry. As a young single mother, she found herself in a situation where she had to enter a men’s prison. She was so concerned for her mother and sisters that she made the ultimate sacrifice. Through the help of God, she was able to later transition into a women’s ministry. What was her secret to being able to move forward? The answer is simple: she put a vision board over her head that included positive images about herself and her family, and the words she spoke that became her daily mantra.

When you are writing your mission statement, make sure that it is not only a statement of faith, but also that it has a purpose. It can be as specific or as broad as you need to make it. It should embody what you are all about and be a constant reminder to everyone that you are the people of commitment and love. If you are just creating a statement for the sake of sharing with friends, it doesn’t matter how specific it is. However, if you are making a mission statement to start a small business, it is imperative that you make very specific objectives and goals. Make sure that you are living in the Word of God every day by dedicating your work to Jesus and His principles.

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A church vision statement can accomplish so much more for your church than a generic website or marketing material ever could. Take time today to really think about what your church needs and begin to work towards getting those goals achieved. Remember, if you don’t write a compelling church vision statement, someone else will. So, get those creative juices flowing and start thinking about how your church can grow and develop into a powerful presence in the community today.

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