AF Form 931 Example

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Here is the AF Form 931 Example: If you are looking for an example of how to prepare a real estate purchase contract, then read this article. You see, when a real estate investor or contractor is looking for purchase contract examples from an existing source, they may find that these contracts already have examples in their book. The contractors or investors then purchase these contracts and use them as examples of how to prepare their own purchase contracts. They also may use these contracts to solicit bids from potential vendors.

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Keywords: contract | contract making | example | form} The following is the AF Form 931 examples. The first document in the example is the Worksheet. This worksheet includes information on the vendor, the amount for purchases, amount due, date, and time of negotiations, due date, payment terms and conditions. The worksheet can be printed and used as an example of how to complete a contract purchase. If you would like to see an electronic worksheet, the Worksheet should be located on the AF931 download page.

The next part of the example is a statement. The second sentence in the example says, “Vendor hereby acknowledges that he or she has read and understands the terms of the contract. He or she requests the businessperson to immediately send a signed contract that includes all of the following information: (statement) Name of the Contractor (line 1) Address of the Contractor (line 2) Date and Time of Closing of escrow or purchase (line 3) Closing Cost.” The statement above is the second sentence of the worksheet.

Figure 1
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The third sentence in the example worksheets the Comprehensive Assessment clause of the contract. The first words of the sentence to read, “A Comprehensive Assessment is required by the contract between the purchaser and the seller and includes the items listed in the contract.” The second word, “date,” refers to the date by which the vendor must complete the work. This date is part of the customer’s financial record and should be captured in the customer’s signature on the worksheet. The third word, “intensively” refers to the requirement that the contract must include an intensive accounting study of the business.

One problem with using the example in an online Afre form 9 31 is that many vendors use words that are the same or similar to other vendor names or brands. For example, the words “online shopping cart” may refer to one vendor’s online shopping cart software and may not mean another vendor’s brand of online shopping cart software. Use the words “highly rated” and “highly reviewed” and you get another set of possible vendor names or brands. It takes some work to track down the names of the actual products and then compare the ratings to those of the vendor names or brands. Another problem with relying upon the results of a comprehensive assessment in Afre forms 9 31 is that the customer does not see any recommendations on how to select the product or service.

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The third problem with relying on the example in an Afre form 9 31 is that the example is usually presented in a short story format. The customer does not get the whole story and, because the customer has not been given specific instructions as to what he or she should do, the situation can become confused. Again, the customer is not shown the recommendations for the product or service and is not told what the problem is or how to solve it.

To illustrate the problems with relying on the example in an Afre form 9 31, let’s use the same example but substitute “highly rated” for “highly reviewed.” The first sentence reads, “The highly rated items on the market will offer this customer a twenty-eight hour customer support line and free shipping.” The second sentence now reads, “To be eligible for the offer, these customers must also fill out a customer Satisfaction Survey after they make their purchase.” How different can it be?

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