In our discussion on The UB04 Form Sample we looked at how to use a digital signature with a Ubiquitous UB 04 survey form. This is one of the easiest ways of ensuring that only you and the person whom you are giving the gift to have seen the survey results. You also have the advantage that whoever you choose to have your survey form signed for you, will have your permission to use your signature as well. It would be unethical to give someone else’s personal details if you do not want them to obtain results from the survey in the first place! However, for those of you who want to ensure that the person whom you are giving your survey details to has actually seen it all, then this method is easy to employ!
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You do not actually have to be a computer genius to implement this method; in fact, it is possible to use a pen and paper to create the signature. There are various programs out there that can create the signature for you. If you are on a budget, you could use a free photo editing program on your iPad to do this. With this software, you can crop, resize, change the background, or enhance a photograph to make it uniquely yours. Then you can scan, copy, and email your UB 04-Form Sample in one simple step.
What happens next is very easy. When you receive your completed UB04 form sample email, simply delete the email attachment and then drag and drop the completed file onto the desktop of your computer. (You may want to save it to your hard drive in order to keep it safe.) Then you will need to visit the websites designated as secure access areas. These websites will ask you for a security code. The last thing you need is for the computer to be denied access due to lack of a secure code.
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After entering the security code, you should be asked to upload your photograph. Select the option that says “Key Elements Only”. That way, you won’t have to input any complicated, electronic key elements. The website will automatically save the claim form so that it is available for review later. When you’re finished, your UB 04-form sample should be available online for review.
You can also include a short handwritten note with the UB 04-form sample. The handwritten note should be two to four lines long and is written in big bold letters. Be sure to include your name, contact information, website address, and example claim form. You may want to add a few snippets of information, too. For instance, you might want to remind the survey company that you’re a real estate agent and that you work with clients in San Diego.
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Now, let’s get down to actually completing the form. Once you’ve saved it, you’ll see two text boxes; one for the electronic signature and one for the physical signature. You need to click “New” and enter in your personal information. Be sure to choose a strong password to prevent others from having access to it.
Your signature in the UB 04-form sample will not appear automatically. You’ll have to click “Submit” to have the signature appear on your receipt. Once it is done, you’ll see a message informing you that your digital signature was successfully submitted. To ensure that the other survey takers can also see it, they’ll have to check their records first.
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Finally, you can choose one or more fields where you’d like to receive payment. Click “Payment” and follow the instructions to complete the payment. The UB 04-form sample should provide a link for this step. Before the payment is complete, you can then print out the completed form. You can then take it to the cashier and have the money sent to your account.
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